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Lectures Online!

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in English-medium degree programs


This mock lecture series has completed. Sign up to view the recordings HERE.

Try out a sample of what the university experience will look like someday!

Come learn something new, and experience a sample of what your Ritsumeikan experience will look like when you join the University!
Our professors are excited to provide lectures to high school students on a wide variety of topics.
Each session includes a program introduction, 30-minute mock lecture, and a Q&A section. Don't miss out on this chance!

Medium of Instruction: English

July 7 (Sun)

Dual / Joint Degree Programs

Ritsumeikan University offers collaborative degree programs with leading universities abroad, in which students enroll at both Ritsumeikan and our respective partner universities in the US or Australia, and receive degrees from both universities. ​

American University - Ritsumeikan University
Joint Degree Program (JDP)


Intro to Anthropology: Methods to Study Contemporary Social Life

Time : Sunday, July 7, 1:00 PM (JST) 
Discipline : College of International Relations
Lecturer : Nathaniel M. Smith

Lecture overview : 
Historically, anthropologists have studied cultures world-wide to consider both variations and connections in human social life. How might we use the methods of anthropology to study social life closer to home or among online communities?

Dual degree program
with The Australian National University (GLA)

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Design and Accessibility

Time : Sunday, July 7, 2:00 PM (JST) 
Discipline : College of Global Liberal Arts
Lecturer : Paul Haimes

Lecture overview : 
This interactive lecture will explore the scope of design, describe the characteristics of its artefacts, explore its relationship to adjacent disciplines, and explain why it makes sense to study design within a liberal arts context. The lecture will also explore the concept and principles of universal design in order to create design experiences that are, ideally, accessible to all.

July 13 (Sat)

Single Degree Programs

We also have three single degree English-medium programs, in which students receive a degree from Ritsumeikan University. Upon completing four years of full-time study in Japan, students earn a bachelor's degree in their chosen program.

Community and Regional Policy
Studies Major (CRPS)


Housing Stock and Housing Policy

Time : Saturday, July 13, 1:00 PM (JST) 
Discipline : College of Policy Science
Lecturer : Kimiko Shiki

Lecture overview : 
In this lecture, we examine the characteristics of the urban housing stock, using an example of the Osaka prefecture, where the campus is located. How does the Osaka housing stock compare to the housing stock in the area you know?


Global Studies Major (GS)


What Causes War? Exploring the Case of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Time : Saturday, July 13, 2:00 PM (JST) 
Discipline : College of International Relations
Lecturer : Kazushige Kobayashi

Lecture overview : 
This mock lecture explores the causes of war from multiple viewpoints and introduces prospective students to the study of international relations. In the mock lecture, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the case of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and learn about the dynamics of global security.

Information Systems Science
and Engineering Course (ISSE)


An Introduction to Machine Learning

Time : Saturday, July 13, 3:00 PM (JST) 
Discipline : College of Information Science and Engineering
Lecturer : Mate Kovacs

Lecture overview : 
This lecture will provide the students with a brief overview of the main types of machine learning. At the end of the lecture, students will have a basic understanding of the differences and similarities between supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. 


Our Lecturers


Nathaniel M. Smith

Associate Professor, College of International Relations
Cultural anthropology and folklore, Japanese history, Politics, Urban studies, Area studies 

Learn more about the lecturer here

Paul Haimes

Associate Professor, College of Global Liberal Arts
Interaction Design (IxD), Data Visualisation, Aesthetics

Learn more about the lecturer here

Kimiko Shiki

Associate Professor, College of Policy Science
Urban planning, housing policies, urban space and poverty problems
Learn more about the lecturer here
Professor Kobayashi Profile Pic 2024

Kazushige Kobayashi

Associate Professor, College of International Relations
Global IR Theory, International Orders, International Security, Peacebuilding, International Development, International Organizations, Russian Foreign Policy, EU Foreign Policy
Learn more about the lecturer here
Mate Kovacs

Mate Kovacs

Assistant Professor, College of Information Science and Engineering
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computational Business Intelligence, Big Data
Learn more about the lecturer here